Tuesday 7 June 2011

Fwd: Benefits Of Hematite Magnetic Jewelry

Hematite magnetic jewelry has been known to display strong therapeutic properties. This kind of jewelry relieves aches and pains as it successfully increases blood circulation in the body. When blood circulation increases, oxygen supplied to various parts of the body increases. Increased flow of oxygen increases the rate of healing and alleviates pain that is associated with injury or sickness. Thus, magnetic jewelry can help improve immunity, increase energy levels and heal a number of medical conditions, all without the use of drugs and absolutely free of side effects.
Hematite magnetic jewelry is beneficial for a number of ailments and conditions like asthma, allergies, acne, tendonitis, sports injuries, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, diabetes, fibromyalgia, menstrual cramps and headaches, among others. The high iron content in magnetic hematite jewelry speeds up tissue regeneration and enhances overall wellbeing.
When hematite is magnetized, a permanent magnetic field is created around it. Wearing this kind of jewelry over long periods of time is beneficial as the recovery process is slow.
Fortunately, magnetic hematite jewelry can also be fashionable. Hematite is reddish grey and may even take on a black color. It looks metallic and shines when polished. Thus, in addition to its healing properties, you are also getting an attractive, trendy fashion accessory.
All kinds of hematite magnetic jewelry are available. Hematite is particularly attractive when it is wrapped to make exquisite bangles or bracelets.
Hematite magnetic wraps vary from thin, sleek pieces to thick, chunky pieces. There are enough designs and colors to give the wearer the freedom to choose designs, colors and styles that suit their personal preferences. Some of the pieces double as bracelets and necklaces.
Hematite magnetic jewelry comes in different styles from the classic link design to trendy designs that are modern and stylish. Magnetic hematite jewelry enables the wearer to make a fashion statement.
Hematite magnetic jewelry must be purchased from a reputed manufacturer. From start to finish, the manufacturing process should be controlled to ensure the best quality. Design and the visual effects can be enhanced with the various styling techniques used.
Magnetic therapy is recommended for most people. However, pregnant women and children under the age of seven should avoid these types of jewelry. But, for fashion conscious women who want to make a fashion statement and improve their health conditions, hematite magnetic jewelry is a great option. It keeps them well and keeps them looking stylish and elegant.
You can visit http://www.lmichaelsjewelry.com, a reliable online store for buying hematite magnetic jewelry.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathleen_Chester
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